Friday, November 29, 2013

Fragmented ISON more Dangerous?

Published on Nov 29, 2013
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Mysterious crop circle of 2009 about ISON

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Cropcircles showing Comet ISON

First let's take a look at a crop circle of 1994 predicting a comet's impact on Jupiter

The Roundway (Oliver's Castle) Crop Circle Formation
Wiltshire UK - Discovered July 24th 1994
Photo 1994 Colin Andrews
'As above, So below'. As millions of people around the world received news that for first time in human history an 'Earth killing' Comet would be witnessed impacting a neighboring planet, sequential events mirroring those in space began to appear in the crop fields of Wiltshire and Hampshire in 1994.
The 'G - Impact' Effect in the Atmosphere of Jupiter
Photo 1994 NASA/JPL Educational Services

Months later, in the 1994 November issue of Astronomy Magazine, a dramatic image of Jupiter showing the impact effect of the largest Comet fragment: the 'G-Impact' was discovered by Kris to bear an amazing resemblance to the Roundway Crop Circle formation. In addition to impact 'crescents' the 1994 Roundway Crop Circle formation and Shoemaker/Levy 9 Comet G-Impact also shared another detail in common: a small side circle!
Rotated circles and crescents defined and differentiated the 1994 pictogram from the exact G-Impact image, but amazingly revealed yet another possible related layer of meaning to the formation. Perturbing and consuming the orbiting motion of asteroids, and Comets, including the Shoemaker/Levy 9 Comet, the Sun and Jupiter are locked in an oscillating cycle known to astronomers as the 'Solar Oscillation', or 'Jupiter Effect'. Basically, the Solar Oscillation is the oscillating motion of the Sun through the 'Milky Way Galaxy', caused by the 'alternating pattern of conjunctions and oppositions' between the ever changing orbiting movements and positions of the more massive planets in our solar system, particularly Jupiter. This cycle, I learned and began disseminating in Autumn 1991 is, I think, a major aspect of the physics of most non-manmade Crop Circle creation, and could explain why at Roundway in 1994 the 'impact crescents' were rotated. Turned 90 degrees, three times, they reflected, in my view, the fundamental force of rotation: angular momentum, and by inference its counterpart: gravity; the two Cosmic forces that ultimately sent the Shoemaker/Levy 9 Comet fragments crashing into Jupiter!

Now,to Comet ISON:
Nearby we can see an Aztec symbol for the galactic centre, from which many “small waves” are emerging. Will we see actual waves from the galactic centre on that day, when comet Ison emerges from behind the Sun? Might this happen because a large cloud of gas called “G2” has just entered a black hole at the galactic centre, as viewed from Earth? ( or or waylandsmithy2007a or time2007m).

Read the original source:

Images of near-future events are sometimes drawn in crops, consistent with the use of spacetime wormhole technology
The extra-terrestrial crop artists seem to possess spacetime wormhole technology. By means of such technology, they have occasionally revealed certain details of the future to humans on Earth. For example during the summer of 2010, we saw images of “nuclear power” or “radiation in the landscape” drawn in crops. We even saw a “lunar clock with an atomic hour hand”, indicating the month of March 2011. Many such images were drawn in crops, nine months before a nuclear power disaster happened at Fukushima during the suggested month of March 2011 (see japantsunami2011). There was no specific mention in crops, however, of its geographical location in Japan. 
The crop artists also sometimes reveal near-future astronomical events in our solar system. For example, we saw drawn in crops the outburst of comet 73P Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 in 1996, three months before it happened (see time2007a). Likewise we saw drawn in crops the outburst of comet 17P Holmes in 2007, two years before it happened (see time2007g ortime2007h). Predictions of high earthquake or solar activity were made correctly in 2011 (see fringe2013e or fringe2013g), although the detailed locations of those earthquakes again remained unspecified.
A triple conjunction of comet Ison with Mars and Regulus during October of 2013 
During mid-October of 2013, there was a triple conjunction (or joining in Earth’s sky) between comet Ison, planet Mars and a bright star Regulus from the constellation Leo. We can see a night-sky photograph of that conjunction in the slide below, along with a schematic diagram at lower right: 
That triple conjunction in Earth’s sky was described in crops by an amazing field picture which appeared near Silbury Hill on August 3, 2009. It showed what is known as a Mayan “Katun calendar wheel”. Some Katun calendar wheels contain 18, 20 or 13 squares in each ring, to yield multiplicative products such as (18 x 20) = 360 days for their Long Count calendar, or (13 x 20) = 260 days for their Tzolkin calendar:
This calendar wheel, which was drawn in crops on August 3, 2009, contained 24, 20 or 15 swirled circles within each of three large rings. When multiplied together as (24 x 20 x 15) = 7200, those three numbers yield 7200 days or one “Katun” period from the Mayan Long Count calendar. 
Furthermore, a series of three large circles and one small circle meaning “0”, plus one ring of small “crop knobs” equal to “15”, together suggest a Mayan calendar date of or October 19, 2013: 
The suggested date is close to October 15, 2013, when a triple conjunction took place in Earth’s sky between comet Ison, Mars and Regulus. Outside of their Katun calendar wheel, we can see (above or below) two large “comet” shapes, which contain five circles each, and show various motifs near their flattened centres: 
The fourth flattened circle of their upper comet shape shows a “6-around-1” motif, suggestive of the Pleiades M45 star cluster (see two slides below). 
The first circle of their lower comet shape shows a “smiley face”, meaning simply that “we are friendly”. Another “smiley face” was drawn near their June 23, 2009 crop picture, discussed above.
The second circle of their lower comet shape shows a “7-7” motif, suggestive of comet Ison passing by a “planet” and a “star” (see the next slide below). 
The fourth circle of their lower comet shape shows a clump of three “crop knobs”, to suggest a sky conjunction of three separate objects (comet, planet and star). 
At the very centre we can see a ring of 15 “crop knobs”, to suggest a Mayan date of which equals October 19, 2013, or possibly “October 15” in our Western calendar. 

Comet Ison as a “trilobite”
One amusing crop picture from the summer of 2009 compared comet Ison to a “trilobite”. That was a small, beetle-like animal which lived abundantly on Earth 400 million years ago. At Ogbourne St, Andrew on July 29, 2009, the crop artists first showed comet Ison heading for our Sun on a Mayan date of or October 19, 2013: 

Read the original source:

Will comet Ison break up and/or slow down as it orbits the Sun?
Will comet Ison break up and/or slow down as it orbits the Sun on November 28, 2013? At Etchilhampton on August 19, 2013, we saw the image of a “long-tailed comet” going into circular orbit around the Sun, and then emerging with a “shorter tail”: 

Read the original source:

It appears it has indeed survived, and has broken up into many fragments.

What do you think? 

Is it slowing down?  There is still a huge debris field and it's headed our way.

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Schrödinger's Comet

29-Nov-13 17:45 UT - Excerpt from Karl Battam's latest update:
    I'll just say this upfront right now: whatever you read in the following blog post, please feel free to assume it is completely incorrect and the truth is actually quite contrary to what I'm saying. It has been - and continues to be - one of those days.

    So this will be a relatively brief blog post because we're up to our necks in media inquiries and attempting to do real science to figure out the mystery that is comet ISON, and Matthew and I are basically the only ones that have abandoned our loved ones on this US national Holiday and continued to work. Here's what we know so far:
    After impressing us yesterday, comet ISON faded dramatically overnight, and left us with a comet with no apparent nucleus in the SOHO/LASCO C2 images. As the comet plunged through the solar atmosphere, and more
Excerpts from Karl Battam's update:

 "Now, in the latest LASCO C3 images, we are seeing something beginning to gradually brighten up again. One could almost be forgiven for thinking that there's a comet in the images! ....
After perihelion, a very faint smudge of dust appeared in the the LASCO C2 images along ISON's orbit. This surprised us a little, but we have seen puffs of dust from Sungrazer tails, so it didn't surprise us enormously and didn't change our diagnosis. We watched and waited for that dust trail to fade away. Except it didn't. 

Now, in the latest LASCO C3 images, we are seeing something beginning to gradually brighten up again. One could almost be forgiven for thinking that there's a comet in the images! 

Matthew and I are ripping our hair out right now as we know that so many people in the public, the media and in science teams want to know what's happened. We'd love to know that too! Right now, here's our working hypothesis: 

As comet ISON plunged towards to the Sun, it began to fall apart, losing not giant fragments but at least a lot of reasonably sized chunks. There's evidence of very large dust in the form of that long thin tail we saw in the LASCO C2 images. Then, as ISON plunged through the corona, it continued to fall apart and vaporize, and lost its coma and tail completely just like Lovejoy did in 2011. (We have our theories as to why it didn't show up in the SDO images but that's not our story to tell - the SDO team will do that.) Then, what emerged from the Sun was a small but perhaps somewhat coherent nucleus, that has resumed emitting dust and gas for at least the time being. In essence, the tail is growing back, as Lovejoy's did. 


We have a whole new set of unknowns, and this ridiculous, crazy, dynamic and unpredictable object continues to amaze, astound and confuse us to no end. We ask that you please be patient with us for a couple of days as we analyze the data and try to work out what is happening. We realize that everyone now wants to know if it will be visible in the night sky, and how bright it might be. We really hate speculating right now but if someone were to force us into an answer, we would reluctantly say that at least some faint tail remnant should be visible in the coming week or so. But this is highly speculative so please don't take this too seriously just yet. We will absolutely post updated info here as soon as we're more confident, and I will of course continue blogging when I can in the meantime. Just be patient on this and the truth will unfold in time! 

And I just want to end on this note: not long after comet ISON was discovered, it began to raise questions. Throughout this year, as many of you who have followed closely will appreciate, it has continued to confuse and surprise us. For the past few weeks, it has been particularly enigmatic and dynamic, in addition to being visually spectacular. This morning we thought it was dying, and hope was lost as it faded from sight. But like an icy phoenix, it has risen from the solar corona and - for a time at least - shines once more. This has unquestionably been the most extraordinary comet that Matthew and I, and likely many other astronomers, have ever witnessed. The universe is an amazing place and it has just amazed us again. This story isn't over yet, so don't stray too far from your computer for the next couple of days! 

Image of the Week

Every week, a new image related to Comet ISON!

This week: An Observation in Common of an Uncommon Event: Comet ISON goes into the schools over over 20,000 students in Indiana.

Earlier picks can be found in the ISON Image of the Week Archives


Today's Miami Herald newspaper reported that ISON is gone! 

First Amateur Spectrum of Comet ISON  (Oct 14, 2013)

Click Image:

Oct 14, 2013: First Amateur Spectrum of Comet ISON

Scientists study comets for many reasons including how they formed, what their mass and density is, what physical and chemical processes are occurring on their surface and within their core, and even what would happen if a large one impacted our planet! That list is far from exhaustive but fundamental to all of those questions, and many others we have, is this: what are comets made of? ... READ MORE... 

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