Sunday, August 31, 2008

Values of Mainstream American Women are Being Honored

"How refreshing that now we have a woman who reflects the values of mainstream American women.

WND Exclusive
Does chick mate spell checkmate for McCain?
Fans of family 'electrified' by Palin for VP selection

Posted: August 29, 2008
11:35 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Gov. Sarah Palin

Pro-family advocates and Republicans are saying presumptive GOP nominee for president Sen. John McCain may have checkmated Democrat Sen. Barack Obama with his choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential running mate.

She's a woman, young, has been governor of Alaska for about two years, is pro-life and doesn't believe homosexuals should be granted the special privilege of "marriage" rights, is a mother, has a son in the U.S. military and wants to expand America's energy production.

"Absolutely brilliant," said Mathew Staver, chief of Liberty Counsel, the Liberty Alliance Action and dean of the Liberty University school of law.

"The excitement was palpable among conservative leaders when they heard that Gov. Palin was Sen. McCain's choice for vice president. There is a high level of optimism among conservative leaders that the McCain-Palin combination is a ticket that will connect with values voters," he said.

(Story continues below)

Bill Burton, a spokesman for the Obama campaign, reacted with criticism.

"John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency," he said.

But an alert WND reader noted, "She would only be 'a heartbeat away' if she actually was V.P., or if she were 100 percent certain to win and take office. You really have to wonder: Was this Freudian slip a concession that the Republicans will win?"

McCain passed over former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and other higher-profile leaders to choose Palin, but in doing so he stole a considerable amount of momentum from the Democrats who had had Sen. Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate, seeking to become the first woman elected to one of the two highest offices in the nation.

In her first appearance with McCain today, Palin credited Clinton for leaving behind 18 million cracks, representing 18 million voters who supported her, in the glass ceiling between women and the American presidency, but she also said American women are not finished.

"The selection of Gov. Palin means that this upcoming election will be historic. But beyond making history, Palin brings substance and excitement. She is intelligent, young, attractive and articulate. As a woman and a mother, she can attract women voters, particularly those who feel disenfranchised," Staver continued. "Gov. Palin can work with both parties and has shown she can clean up government corruption.

"Gov. Palin is pro-life and pro-marriage. She is also a lifelong member of the National Rifle Association," continued Staver, who in July organized a meeting of 100 nationally prominent social conservative leaders in Denver to emphasize shared core values. "Gov. Palin has electrified conservatives."

Bryan Fischer, executive director of the Idaho Values Alliance, called the pick "an inspired choice."

"She is unapologetically pro-life and pro-marriage. Those are values which are shared by the vast majority of mainstream Idahoans," he said. "Gov. Palin has called abortion an 'atrocity,' and she helped Alaska pass the nation's very first marriage amendment in 1998."

Further, he said, "When almost 90 percent of all Down's Syndrome babies are destroyed in the womb, Gov. Palin proudly gave birth to her son Trig last spring, even after he was diagnosed with Down's during her pregnancy. The contrast with Sen. Obama could not be greater.

"While Sen. Obama believes that unwanted babies can be put to death while still in the womb, Gov. Palin has shown by her example that all pre-born babies, even those with birth defects, deserve a chance at life," Fischer said.

More than a year ago WND columnist Les Kinsolving suggested she be considered for the VP post.

"We're thrilled," said Karen Cross, the political director for National Right to Life, citing Palin's comment shortly after her handicapped son's birth, when she said, "We understand that every innocent life has wonderful potential."

"The country now has a clear choice," said Darla St. Martin, co-executive director of the National Right to Life committee, "between an avowed pro-abortion ticket that would continue to push for unrestricted abortion on demand, and a strongly pro-life ticket that will bring us closer to a society that embraces the value and dignity of human life."

"Her admirable record of confronting corruption and living her pro-life convictions shows she is a doer, not just a talker," said Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America, the nation's largest public policy women's group.

"It is particularly significant that a conservative woman was nominated for the nation's second highest office. For years the feminist movement has acknowledged for leadership only those women who embrace a radical agenda," said Janice Shaw Crouse, director of the CWA's Beverly LaHaye Institute. "How refreshing that now we have a woman who reflects the values of mainstream American women.

"Take that feminists – here is a woman of accomplishment who brings a fresh face to traditional values and models the type of woman most girls want to become," she said.

Tony Perkins of the Washington-based Family Research Council continued the theme, saying, "She has a record of advancing the culture of life at every opportunity including championing a ban on partial-birth abortion and promoting parental consent for minor abortions."

Outside of the pro-family movement, there were politicians who jumped immediately to her side. Nevada Republican Chairman Sue Lowden cited her support for alternative energy, ethics reforms and battles against pork barrel spending.

"A dedicated family woman and a mother of five, including a son serving our country now, Palin represents Nevada values well and understands the challenges our families face," she said.

From the other end of the country, New Jersey congressional candidate Roland Straten said he would be proud to work with her.

Former GOP presidential candidate Sen. Fred Thompson said he was "delighted" and described Palin as a "breath of fresh air."

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said she reminds women "that they may not be welcome on the Democrats' ticket, but they have a place with Republicans."

Democrats besides Obama reacted with condemnation.

"Sarah Palin is not the right choice," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Obama picked Sen. Joe Biden, a longtime Washington politician, as his running mate.

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Sarah Palin: McCain's Co-Maverick

Family Research Council

Refer a Friend
| August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin: McCain's Co-Maverick

With Senator John McCain's (R-Ariz.) vice presidential pick today of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R) he has guaranteed that regardless of who wins this election, history has been made. Since becoming Alaska's first female governor on December 4, 2006, Palin has made her mark as the strongest pro-life, pro-family governor in Alaska to date. On February 11 of this year, for example, she signed into law a measure identical to one I authored in Louisiana, the "Safe Haven for Infants Act," facilitating the safe surrender of an unwanted newborn to a place of safety and hope. To her the sanctity of life is a personal issue; her newborn son Trig was born with Down's syndrome. The Palins (her husband's name is Todd and they have four other children) feel they have been extremely blessed by God to raise "an absolutely perfect" son. Governor Palin is now the only one of the four nominees of the major parties to be a Washington outsider. She defeated an incumbent governor in the Republican primary, and is willing to buck her own party when she sees it drifting from its beliefs or sagging in its integrity. As for the historical aspect, I think FRC Action's Senior Vice President Connie Mackey put it best when she said, "This is a great victory for women everywhere." In her remarks in Dayton today, Palin graciously acknowledged that the Democrats both nominated Geraldine Ferraro as vice president and carried Hillary Clinton a hair's-breadth from the presidential nomination. 2008 will surely bring historic change to Washington, D.C. but the question is now, "In what direction?"

Additional Resources
WSJ: Profile of Alaska's Sarah Palin

Obama's Historic Speech

Sen. Barack Obama's speech last night, accepting the Democratic nomination for President, was a historic moment. Coming on the 45th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech, the selection of the first African American to be the presidential nominee of a major party illustrates the progress America has made in fulfilling Dr. King's dream of racial equality. The "promise" of equal opportunity was in our nation's founding documents, but it has not always been fulfilled. Every American should fondly hope and fervently pray, to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, for the time when this milestone, remarkable as it is, is a memory, and the mere fact of a person's skin color is not reason for political discussion or notice. That truly was the Founding Fathers' vision for our country, and they bequeathed us governing articles and a ruling philosophy - a firm belief that our rights are the gift of our Creator - capable of carrying us through many a "stormy present." By any measure - eloquence, organization, stagecraft, and motivation - the Democratic convention this week and the primary that preceded it were impressive. Yes, the smoke-filled rooms have given way to skies glowing with the haze of fireworks, but our nation is seeing once more that we have a vibrant republic and real choices before us.

This Weekend on Washington Watch Weekly

Reporting from Minneapolis, I will bring you the latest news from the site of the GOP National Convention, and get an up-to-the-minute account on the fascinating debate over the new Republican platform. Connie Mackey, senior vice president of Family Research Council Action, reports on what is shaping up to be the most pro-life and pro-family GOP platform in recent memory. On a sadder front, we'll discuss how your tax dollars are being used to target your children in an offensive and horrible new way. Finally, we check in with the FRC Action staff across the nation with reports from Denver, Minneapolis, and Washington, D.C. All in all, a not-to-be-missed edition of Washington Watch Weekly. Listen to us on air, online, or download the show for later listening.

Additional Resources
Washington Watch Weekly Radio Show

Friday, August 29, 2008

ब्रिल्लियन चोइस!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Look to Alaska, Senator McCain!

With Senator Obama's VP selection now public, I think Senator McCain should not waste time in naming his running mate.

I hope Senator McCain gives serious consideration to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (pictured above with her husband and four of her five children).

She is the governor of an important state (notably on the energy issue) who previously served as a mayor and city council member. She is a reformer. She is pro-life. She is not a Washington insider. At age 44, she is from a new generation of American leaders.

Governor Palin could help to unify the GOP base and garner the McCain campaign many good vibes from the media.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Huge new crack in Ice northern Greenland

By Seth Borenstein
Associated Press
August 22, 2008

WASHINGTON - In northern Greenland, a part of the Arctic that had seemed
immune from global warming, new satellite images show a growing giant crack
and an 11-square-mile chunk of ice hemorrhaging off a major glacier,
scientists said Thursday.

And that's led the university professor who spotted the wounds in the
massive Petermann glacier to predict disintegration of a major portion of
the Northern Hemisphere's largest floating glacier within the year.

If it does worsen and other northern Greenland glaciers melt faster, then it
could speed up sea level rise, already increasing because of melt in
sourthern Greenland.

The crack is 7 miles long and about half a mile wide. It is about half the
width of the 500 square mile floating part of the glacier. Other smaller
fractures can be seen in images of the ice tongue, a long narrow sliver of
the glacier.

"The pictures speak for themselves," said Jason Box, a glacier expert at the
Byrd Polar Research Center at Ohio State University who spotted the changes
while studying new satellite images. "This crack is moving, and moving
closer and closer to the front. It's just a matter of time till a much
larger piece is going to break off.... It is imminent."

The chunk that came off the glacier between July 10 and July 24 is about
half the size of Manhattan and doesn't worry Box as much as the cracks. The
Petermann glacier had a larger breakaway ice chunk in 2000. But the overall
picture worries some scientists.

"As we see this phenomenon occurring further and further north -- and
Petermann is as far north as you can get -- it certainly adds to the
concern," said Waleed Abdalati, director of the Center for the Study of
Earth from Space at the University of Colorado.

The question that now faces scientists is: Are the fractures part of normal
glacier stress or are they the beginning of the effects of global warming?

"It certainly is a major event," said NASA ice scientist Jay Zwally in a
telephone interview from a conference on glaciers in Ireland. "It's a signal
but we don't know what it means."

It is too early to say it is clearly global warming, Zwally said. Scientists
don't like to attribute single events to global warming, but often say such
events fit a pattern.

University of Colorado professor Konrad Steffen, who returned from Greenland
Wednesday and has studied the Petermann glacier in the past, said that what
Box saw is not too different from what he saw in the 1990s: "The crack is
not alarming... I would say it is normal."

However, scientists note that it fits with the trend of melting glacial ice
they first saw in the southern part of the massive island and seems to be
marching north with time. Big cracks and breakaway pieces are foreboding
signs of what's ahead.

Further south in Greenland, Box's satellite images show that the Jakobshavn
glacier, the fastest retreating glacier in the world, set new records for
how far it has moved inland.

That concerns Colorado's Abdalati: "It could go back for miles and miles and
there's no real mechanism to stop it."

Ohio State University images and data:

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tibetan Monk foresees UFO/ET Armageddon Intervention

Tibetan Monk Sees 2010 UFO/ET Armageddoom Intervention
Remote viewing Tibetan monks see Extra Terrestrial powers
> saving the World from destroying itself in

N.K. Subramanium, Special Correspondent, India Daily

Remote viewing is nothing new in Tibetan monasteries. For thousands of
years remote viewing in the middle of other spiritual activities have
dominated Tibetan culture. What some Indian tourists came to learn from
a few Tibetan monasteries under the current Chinese rule is extremely
alarming and fascinating.

According to these tourists remote viewers are seeing world powers in
the course of self-destruction. They also see that the world will not be
destroyed. Between now and 2012 the world super powers will continue to
engage in regional wars. Terrorism and covert war will be the main
problem. In world politics something will happen in and around 2010. At
that time the world powers will threaten to destroy each other.

Between 2010 and 2012, the whole world will get polarized and prepare
for the ultimate dooms day. Heavy political maneuvers and negotiations
will take place with little progress.

In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive nuclear

And at that time something remarkable will happen, says, Buddhist monk
of Tibet. Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The destiny of the
world is not to self-destruct at this time.

Scientific interpretation of the monks' statements makes it evident
that the Extra Terrestrial powers are watching us every step of the way.
They will intervene in 2012 and save the world from self-destruction.

When asked about recent UFO sightings in India and China, the monks
smiled and said the divine powers are watching us all. Mankind cannot
and will not be allowed to alter the future to that great extent.

Every human being though their current acts in life called
`Karma' can alter the future lives to some extent, but changing
the destiny in that large extent will not be allowed to that great an

Monks also mentioned that beyond 2012 our current civilization would
understand that the final frontier of science and technology is in area
of spirituality and not material physics and chemistry. Beyond 2012, out
technologies will take a different direction. People will learn the
essence of spirituality, the relation between body and the soul, the
reincarnation and the fact we are connected with each other are all part
of `God'.

In India and China UFO sightings have increased in many folds. Many say
the Chinese and Indian Governments are being contacted by the Extra

In recent days most UFO activities have been seen in those countries who
have indigenously developed Nuke capabilities.

When asked if these extra-terrestrials will show up in reality in 2012,
the answers remote viewers are giving is: they will reveal themselves in
such a way that none of us scared. They will reveal themselves only if
they have to. As our science and technology progresses, we are destined
to see them and interact with them any way.
According to the remote viewers, our earth is blessed and is being saved
continuously from all kinds of hazards all the time that we are not even
aware of. As our technologies progress we will realize how external
forces saved us.
ufo-intervention -to-save- the-world- in-2012/

We're in the ENDTIME of the Wicked and Not the RIGHTEOUS - GOD is Not
salaam akwaaba jambo Ashogee
org <

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Tibetan Monk Sees 2010 UFO/ET Armageddoom Intervention

Posted by: "Gerardus"   imualso

Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:24 pm (PDT)

At 03:22 PM 20/08/2008, you wrote:

>Tibetan Monk Sees 2010 UFO/ET Armageddoom Intervention
>Remote viewing Tibetan monks see Extra Terrestrial powers
>o-save-the-world-in-2012/> saving the World from destroying itself in
>N.K. Subramanium, Special Correspondent, India Daily
>Remote viewing is nothing new in Tibetan monasteries. For thousands of
>years remote viewing in the middle of other spiritual activities have
>dominated Tibetan culture. What some Indian tourists came to learn from
>a few Tibetan monasteries under the current Chinese rule is extremely
>alarming and fascinating.

Hello Adrian...

I agree with what the 'monk' says or sees for at least 60 percent.
I feel that humanity is in good hands!
Many changes... many scares... before this period has past.

Will I be there in 2012?
I do not know... I do not care...
I do not live then... I live NOW!

I accept this NOW and smile - Gerardus

SomaLife means Anti-Aging - getting "younger"
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fwd: [prophecyreport] Re: 2012 the end, or the Return Part 1, and 2.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: foxbev <>
Date: Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 8:37 PM
Subject: [prophecyreport] Re: 2012 the end, or the Return Part 1, and 2.

I watched that documentary about 2012 on Discovery. It won't be the
end of the world. It will be the end of this present age. They did
bring up some interesting points on that program. It seems most of
the world's cultures agree on the date.

--- In, "Ron" <iron_cross66106@...>

> Hello everyone, I hope you enjoy this two part post.
> Part 1.
> <>
> Part 2.
> <>
> God bless, and keep looking up!
> Ron

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Friday, August 15, 2008

SomaLife means Anti-Aging - getting "younger"

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SomaLife means Anti-Aging - getting "younger"
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What is it? Russia bombing or not now?

Georgia says Russia bombed after order to halt war (AP)

A Georgian man walks by a destroyed building in the city of Gori, Georgia, Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2008. Russia ordered a halt to military action in Georgia on Tuesday, after five days of air and land attacks sent Georgia's army into headlong retreat and left towns and military bases destroyed. More than 2,000 people were reported killed. (AP Photo/Bela Szandelszky)AP - Russia ordered a halt to the war in Georgia on Tuesday, after five days of air and land attacks that sent Georgia's army into headlong retreat and left towns, military bases and homes in the U.S. ally smoldering. Georgia insisted that Russian forces were still bombing and shelling.

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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

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Monday, August 04, 2008

Hundreds of banks will fail - Reuters

Hundreds of banks will fail, Roubini tells Barron's

Sun Aug 3, 2008 3:52pm EDT

NEW YORK, Aug 3 (Reuters) - The United States is in the second inning of a recession that will last for at least 18 months and help kill off hundreds of banks, influential economist and New York University Professor Nouriel Roubini told Barron's in Sunday's edition.

Taxpayers will pay a big price for helping bail out the rest of the financial services industry as well, Roubini said -- at least $1 trillion and more likely $2 trillion.

The banks will become insolvent because of mounting losses as a result of the housing bust and because they have only written down their subprime loans so far, he said. Still in front of them are their consumer-credit losses, for which they lack the reserves, Barron's reported.

He also said there are hundreds of millions of dollars outstanding in home-equity loans that could be worth zero, too.

U.S. consumers, meanwhile, are "shopped out" and saving less, while the Federal Reserve's performance in handling the crisis has been poor, Roubini said, because it failed to see that the problem extended beyond subprime mortgage debt.

Now, Roubini told Barron's, the government is overregulating, bailing out troubled participants and intervening in every market.

"The regulators should investigate themselves for bailing out Fannie Mae (FNM.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) and Freddie Mac (FRE.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), the creditors of Bear Stearns and the financial system with new lending facilities. They have swapped U.S. Treasury bonds for toxic securities," he told Barron's. "It is privatizing the gains and profits, and socializing the losses as usual. This is socialism for Wall Street and the rich."

He said that sometimes it is necessary to use public money to rescue institutions, but in a way that does not bail out the people who made the mistakes. "In each one of these episodes, the government bailed out the shareholders, the bondholders, and to some degree, management," Roubini told Barron's.

As for the banks that will go bankrupt, they will include community banks that finance homes, stores, downtown areas, commercial real estate and other mainstays of U.S. towns and cities, Roubini said.

"Of three dozen or so medium-sized regional banks, a good third are in distress," he told Barron's, saying half of the group could go bankrupt. Some big banks could wind up insolvent, he added, but said they might be deemed too big to fail.

Nouriel stressed that he is "quite bullish" about the state of the global economy and that he is positive about the medium and long term.

(Reporting by Robert MacMillan, editing by Martin Golan)

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Friday, August 01, 2008

The Thousand Points of Darkness

Sum mighty god-arful thing's goin' on these days..

Brigadier general kills himself?

Anthrax scientist/suspect kills himself?

Earthquakes rankin' up to split the good ol' U S of A ?

Earthquakes both physical and political and ... and.. and..

As above so below.  As within, so without.

All 'tis makin' my southern belle head spin ...

Oh Lordy, Ah think Ah'm gonna have the vapours...y'all...


SomaLife means Anti-Aging - getting "younger"
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--- On Fri, 8/1/08, J R <> wrote:
From: J R <>
Subject: The Thousand Points of Darkness
Date: Friday, August 1, 2008, 4:04 PM

The Thousand Points of Darkness

Would anyone be comfortable if a government operative knew of your medical history, whereabouts and was posting that information skewed to ruin you and promote a political candidate's campaign?

The following is just one example of the immediate attacks on Lawrence Sinclair which one can find posted in a public forum on Yahoo Answers, but is disturbing in who the source is.

In it an operative named Mike, who states he has 40 years government experience, was a policy adviser to Gov. Jerry Brown of California and was a Middle Eastern policy adviser to President Jimmy Carter on "The Egypt Project" has been posting the "information on Lawrence Sinclair" as of 5 months ago when no one had much of an idea who Lawrence Sinclair even was.

Mr. Sinclair on his forums has refuted the claims "he is insane" and has shown proof on the days these operatives state they knew he was in a psychiatric hospital that he was in Illinois, renting a limousine for his godsons graduation from a Naval institution and meeting by the limo driver Barack Obama.
What is interesting is the details this Mike was posting can only come from medical records, hospital records which is all illegal to even look at.

Quoting Mike:

You are a busy Republican Troll are you not?

It is physically impossible for the claims that Larry Sinclair makes to be true.

Larry Sinclair was a patient in a mental hospital suffering from severe psychosis due to Schizophrenia on the dates that he says that he had sex with Barack Obama in the back of a limousine.

In addition to that Larry Sinclair is a convicted felon, convicted of Criminal Fraud on a number of occasions.

Also Larry Sinclair suffers from Delusional Misidentification that is caused by a braiin tumor that Larry Sinclair has.

end quote

What is interesting in this is another Democratic operative "Carl Gordon" is using the same "Delusional Misidentification" term to smear John McCain, George Bush and religion.

"Carl Gordon" quotes:

Sounds like McCain and his bend-over buddy, the old dim bulb and his gin slathered, Swiss cheese brain suffer from undiagnosed Capgras delusion (or Capgras syndrome), a rare disorder outside of Texas in which a person holds a delusional belief that an acquaintance, usually a spouse or other close family member, has been replaced by an identical looking impostor, except in this case the infidel Boooosh.

This delusion is most common in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, extreme religious/sexual repression, or constipation(Bill O'Reilly) If one notes

The Capgras delusion is classed as a delusional misidentification syndrome, a class of delusional beliefs right up there with organized religion.

end quote

If one notes, "Mike" and "Gordon Carl" both appear on the internet speaking the same phrase to smear those people who are "threats" to Barack Obama. Mike's posts are 5 months old according to Yahoo which dates the end of February and Gordon's smears are dated March 10th.

As Bush 41 had a thousand points of light in his campaign to uplift the nation, it appears that Mike and Gordon part of the thousand points of darkness on the internet which Barack Obama unleashed.
It is no coincidence an obscure mental illness was showing up as talking points to smear people.

What is most interesting in this is why these criminals are showing no fear in being prosecuted, but "Mike" reveals a great deal in his bragging in his profile of the soup Lawrence Sinclair and numerous other people have stumbled into.

I post allot of this information in the blog due to the fact that entire web pages are disappearing from the internet when mere mentions of them are posted in comments on Mr. Sinclair's site.
As an additional scrubbing, in some test searches conducted on July 31, 2008, it was found that on Yahoo if one in search entered, Obama, Sinclair, that only one hit comes up for the Jeff Rense site.
This is of course mind blowing as the Rense site has been the major outlet of the Sinclair / Obama story.

As a test, one can put in Jeff Rense and Rense / Obama and those articles will appear first. It is not due to the Rense site being filtered, but the fact Yahoo and Google are deliberately vaporizing web pages dealing with this.

"Mike" is very interesting as his policy associations opens the entire can of worms which is the Middle East disasters of today.;_ylt=Apbh9YprhnRXRGDY1SJBkXHS7BR.;_ylv=3?show=fKFvzlzQaa

"Mike's profile":


Member since: May 28, 2007
34,552 points

Level 7


Best answer

About me: I am both a scientist and a policy advisor.

I was part of The Egypt Project and one of the policy advisors during the administration of former President Carter.

The Egypt project was to be a program similar to the Marshall plan for the purpose of buiding up the economies and eliminating the poverty and hopelessness of the countries of the Middle East.

As the name implies we were starting in Egypt and working with Anwar Sadat to develop the economy of that country. The intention was then to expand the program to the other countries of the Middle East.

Unfortunately many of the Muslim Clerics opposed the program because they thought that the program would give us too much influence in the region. The program was cancelled for that reason.

During the administration of former California State Governor Jerry Brown I was also a policy advisor..


End Quote

It should probably be noted that "Mike" for being the genius he claims to be, has problems spelling words like "adviser" which he was one for two powerful Democrats.

As the story flow continues, "Mike" was part of The Egypt Project. Try looking that up and one will find an absolute scrubbing of that information as he relates it was an expensive plan and Muslim clerics were furious over the leftist brainwashing this "Brzezinski Nation Changing" strategy would bring about.
The Egypt Project did not die though. It simply transformed into the Carter policy of bringing furious, militant young Muslims out of Egypt and later the Middle East into America and Europe.

Want to know where the terrorist experts in electronics, conventional bombs, bio warfare and nuclear bombs were created? Yes the Carter plan educated all of these terrorists the world has now.
Mike's Marshall Plan also included the Brzezinski plan of fomenting a problem in Afghanistan which he presumed the Soviet's would respond to and "give the Soviets the reason to invade".
Brzezinski would in an interview years later not feel the slightest remorse for the murderous war he caused and is still causing today.

The causing today relates also to the educational program of Jimmy Carter which had Middle Eastern students training as pilots during the Clinton years at
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, a college which specialized in flight training and other aviation-related studies.
ERAU trains pilots while promoting "GLOBAL SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE STUDIES" GSIS program.

Whether it is the same "Mike" posting previously, a "Mike" appears again defending ERAU. The same program which was training 9 11 pilots.

"Mike" though like the "information dispenser" at ICANN, who was bothering Lawrence Sinclair (ICANN is the internet gateway run by the government whose even a non mention of Dr. Twomey who heads it started a massive scrubbing of information linking him to anything to do with the ICAN ISP address and the "Damian" from ICANN who was contacting Mr. Sinclair.), opens a door to the fiction of Jimmy Carter as related by Yosi Alpher who was a Senior Adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.
Mr Alpher reveals in his article on Jimmy Carter's "Camp David Peace Accords".


Carter's people apparently had no inkling of the secret talks in Morocco between Dayan and Sadat's representative, Hassan Tuhami, that paved the way for Sadat's initiative. Indeed, in a sense Egypt and Israel were ganging up to push Carter off his Geneva track.

End Quote

What the historical article states is while "Mike" was being trounced by Muslim clerics and Brzezinski was fomenting a militantism in Islam getting people killed, that Jimmy Carter was trying to force the entire Middle East into the Geneva Accords.
Mr. Carter being the perpetual moronic figure had no idea that President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Moshe Dyan, Israel's Defense Chief were doing an end run around on Carter.

Neither of these leaders wanted a thing to do with Geneva. Sadat wanted a deal only with the Jews so he would siphon billions from America creating Egypt as the player in the world.
Dyan who with Prime Minister Begin wanted no part of Geneva as Carter had the Soviet's there dictating policy that the PLO terrorists would be included as a nation state.

Carter was forced to abandon Geneva and the cold fact is, Anwar Sadat and Moshe Dyan were making peace already and Jimmy Carter simply jumped in and took credit for the "Camp David Accords" and was awarded a Nobel Prize.
That is worth repeating as Jimmy Carter did nothing for peace. Egypt and the Israeli state were already making peace.

Why that is important beyond embarrassing the entire Carter legacy is the fact that Jimmy Carter has been pushing this "Americanized" agenda of peace which got Anwar Sadat murdered by the very people his Egypt Project was antagonizing, one noted arrest was Ayaman Zawahiri, now al Qaeda's number 2 terrorist who pushed bin Laden into attacking America on 9 11.

Carter caused the Beirut bombing of Marines when President Reagan in answer to this "humanitarian" policy sent in troops.
Jimmy Carter is all over this entire Middle East disaster, which is now going into a real war agenda under Zbigniew Brzezinski, and guess who is posting information trying to discredit Lawrence Sinclair, but the very "advisor" who does not know how to spell adviser who was part of the entire Brzezinski transformation of the Middle East, and, he isn't working for Hillary Clinton, but standing up for Barack Obama.

This apparatus is in place and never has left government. Brzezinki's portege', Zlamay Khalilzad, had in the Bush 41 closing days a program aiding Bosnian Muslims.
This is what Bill Clinton walked into and started the entire propaganda fest and butchering not of Muslims, but of Serbian Christians.
Khalilzad, who would be pushing the Brzezinski militant Muslim program would surface again in May 23, 2001, advising Bush 43 as National Security Director on Southwest Asia.

A President is only as good as the advice given him. The red warning lights in this are a Brzezinski policy wonk who took on his mentor's robe of changing the Middle East as a militant tool, is part of the process which creates and teaches terrorists, arms said terrorists to bloody the Soviet Union, during Bush 41 starts importing terrorists to Bosnia, just happens to start advising Bush 43 less than 3 months before 9 11 and after he gets America to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, leaves the Bush 43 Administration on November 23, 2003.
The biggest terrorist soup hole in the world which just so happens to attack America is under the direction of a Brzezinski operative.

These thousand points of darkness are what Lawrence Sinclair has stumbled into. Barack Obama sent this jihadist corp out into the world to snuff out the truth with propaganda. The problem for Mr. Obama is his operatives are leaving tracks over the internet dragging this all back to the upper eschelon like Jimmy Carter to the real powerful like Dr. Twomey whose employers do not want it going any higher as those are patricians who do indeed direct the world Zbigniew Brzezinski erupts.

When Bill Clinton had his bimbo eruption problems, he sent his CIA operative connected wife Hillary to handle the situation, and, she hired lawyers and thee best of operatives to smear and intimidate citizens like Kathleen Willey.
Barack Obama instead took a mob of failed political operatives and turned them into a jihad, who happen to think they are more intelligent than everyone else, but keep leaving embarrassing information tracing this back to Barack Obama's main advisers and showing their utter failure in causing all the problems America is facing now.

These thousand points of darkness are only going to be a growing problem as the more they attack the more they show Bill Clinton's job exporting and having companies like Microsoft import Nigerian cheap trained labor for their company instead of hiring Americans who is now stalking Mr. Sinclair and other Americans or like "Mike" plodding about the internet with private medical information while bragging he was with The Egypt Project part of Brzezinski Islamic militantism.

Oh and want to know another revision of history in why the Saudi's were along with other Muslims allowed to fly out of America after 9 11?
Perhaps it wasn't so much Bush 43 and their family connections, but another expert in Zbigniew Brzezinski who knew exactly which Muslims were terrorist as he created them.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Rubbish! It's said that the West has a global policy regarding Islam. That's hogwash: there is no global Islam. Let's look at Islam in a rational and not a demagogic or emotional way. It is the first world religion with 1.5 billion adherents. But what is there in common between fundamentalist Saudi Arabia, moderate Morocco, militaristic Pakistan, pro-Western Egypt and secularized Central Asia? Nothing more than that which connects the Christian countries.

They knew the darkness they erupted in Islam and they know exactly who are the thousand points of darkness they have sent out to silence the Truth from coming out.
This is the growing canker this group is creating turning a Chicago drug and sodomy night from one point of Barack Obama darkness into universe size Black Hole of Chicago sucking in more information daily.
